PCxx® Pro-Sanigel Hand Sanitizer

Professional grade, quality Hand Sanitizer Made in Canada. Formulated with 70% food-grade ethyl alcohol, with Aloe Vera to make your hands feel great. Spreads easily and is clear, fast-drying with no ‘stickiness’; and leaves no lingering alcohol smell on your hands. Need more information? Here’s what to look for in A good hand sanitizer. 500 […]


PCxx PRO SANIGEL Launched in Canadian Market In March of 2020, in the midst of the Covid19 pandemic, our company was invited by a major healthcare product distributor in Canada, to become a primary manufacturer of high quality, licensed hand sanitizer. We shipped over 100,000 units of PCxx PRO SANIGEL (NPN #800998.32) antiseptic skin cleanser […]

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How to pick the right Hand Sanitizer for your needs

COVID 19 Global shared experience with this novel virus, can be summarized as: ‘Everybody was at risk, no one was spared unless they were able to isolate and keep their social contacts to a minimum, and even then this virus found its way into almost anywhere there were people. Besides what it cost in lives, […]

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PCxx® Home Dental Products

Besides regular visits to your dentist and hygienist, there is a lot you can do at home to maintain your oral health by supplementing regular brushing and flossing with one our professional-grade brush-on home fluoride or remineralizing gels. Talk with your dental professional to determine if any of these supplementary home dental products are right for you. […]

PCxx® Dental Products

Besides regular visits to your dentist and hygienist, there is a lot you can do at home to maintain your oral health by supplementing regular brushing and flossing with professional-grade brush-on fluoride and remineralizing gels.  Talk with your dental professional to determine if these supplementary home dental products are right for you.  Most dental offices can supply […]

Dental Office Amalgam Safety

Dental Offices encounter mercury-rich materials in the course of treating various patients, whether that involves working with new or old amalgams.  The ADA recommends certain precautions and office maintenance procedures be taken to prevent the release of elemental and organic forms of mercury into the office, the waste water system and the environment.  The potentially harmful […]

MERCON® Environmental Protection

MERCON® mercury safety, vapour control and decontamination.    MERCON® mercury safety, vapour control and decontamination products are available from Safety and Industrial Supply Dealers including: USA CANADA AUSTRALIA If you have any product or project questions, or need to place an order, or would like to find a MERCON® dealer near you, Email or Call us at 1-800-663-8303

Personal Oral Care Products

Ross Healthcare Inc. is a GMP pharmaceutical manufacturer, listed on the FDA (USA) and the HPB (Canada), drug and natural products registers.  Our company is known for its high quality PCxx™ preventive dental products; and has been a trusted preventive dental products, and environmental safety solutions provider for over 20 years.  Ross  makes its own Dental Fluoride […]